Ariel Buira was the Director, G-24 Secretariat in Washington DC. He has a B.A. in Economics, Manchester University, a Diploma on Economic Integration, University of Paris, a Diploma for Advanced Studies in Economic Development, Manchester University, and an M.A. Economics, Manchester University. He served as Special Envoy of the President of Mexico for the U.N. Conference on Financing for Development from October 2001 to March 2002. He has been Senior Member, St. Antony’ s College at the University of Oxford and served as Ambassador of Mexico to Greece from 1998-2001. He served as a Member of the Board of Governors of the Bank of Mexico from 1994-1996 and was Chairman of the Board of Directors of BLADEX (Latin American Export Bank) from 1985-1994. He was Director for International Organizations and Agreements, Bank of Mexico, 1985-1993 and Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund 1980-1982, and Alternate Executive Director from 1978-1980.